The brain, body and mind are all connected
You are not simply a diagnosis or a symptom. You are a person who is both a mind and a body. I offer services that allow me to address people's needs with consideration of the physical and psychological components of their well being. I do this without the usage of drugs or surgery.
What makes me different
I am a Chiropractic Physician who also has a separate and distinct license and experience in diagnosing and treating mental health needs. This allows me to provide a level of treatment unparalleled in the healthcare professions.
Chiropractic is traditionally thought of as a treatment for back pain, neck pain and headaches. While chiropractic does in fact alleviate pain in many patients, it can also be used to treat a wide variety of other problems. In fact, it can be used to help optimize well-being even if no symptoms exist at all. I use Sacro-Occpital Techique (SOT ®) and forms of chiropractic which are both gentle and effective for people of all ages. I am a Certified Craniopath by Sacro Occipital Research Society International and a member of the International Craniopathic Society. I am the only Certified Craniopath in Pinellas county Florida and one of only two SOT ® practitioners with this level of certification in the Tampa area. I am one of four Certified Craniopaths in the state of Florida. I also utilize Applied Kinesiology including more recent developments in the field taught by Diplomate level leaders in the field of AK. |
The brain controls the rest of the body. Neurofeedback retrains the brain and can be used to treat a variety of disorders including ADHD, anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, insomnia, migraines, chronic pain and more. In fact, some athletes even use Neurofeedback for peak performance. Neurofeedback is a drug-free method of producing change in your brain with lasting results. In addition to traditional forms of Neurofeedback, I use next-generation forms of surface z-score, sLORETA z-score and swLORETA z-score Neurofeedback along with brain stimulation technologies including Neurofield to get patients results as soon as possible. I am a board-certified licensed diplomate in quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG-DL), one of about only 100 currently active in the world. |
I have 21 years of experience working with a people with variety of mental health issues. I have worked with many people treating a broad spectrum of problems and know that different people require different types of interventions. I work with people to find what works best for them. Additionally, I use Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) to help people with trauma and other related mental health conditions. EMDR can be profoundly helpful for chiropractic patients with a history of trauma who don't "hold" their adjustments. |
I have done and continue to do pioneering research in the therapies I use in my practice. During my education I was in the elite Research Track reserved for only a few students. My research includes the relationship between the methods of chiropractic I use and its affect on brain function and behavior, doing the first three arm randomized-controlled study in this topic. |
Part of a team
The vast majority of my professional experience is working on multidiscipinary teams including Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Psychiatrists, Physician Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Social Workers and Neuropsychologists. I enjoy working with other professionals as a team to help get the best care for my patients. I actively seek out the best care for my patients when a problem falls outside of my expertise or scope of practice. If I can't help you, I'll help you find someone who can. |
It's all about you
We all have a potential. I'm all about helping you reach that potential and achieve your goals in life, be they simply not being in pain or a more comprehensive transformation helping you become who you truly are. Whatever you want, I am here to help.
Brain image at top
Skeleton image top: Copyright: <a href=''>Eraxion / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Icon images were created by Luis Prado, Icon Track and Symbolon from Noun Project.
Chiropractic Image credit: Esther Max (
Skeleton image top: Copyright: <a href=''>Eraxion / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
Icon images were created by Luis Prado, Icon Track and Symbolon from Noun Project.
Chiropractic Image credit: Esther Max (